
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Pretty Little Flowers

I have never been hugely interested in flowering plants, I am much more into seedlings and their amazing ability to become a flowering plant, from something that resembles a little rock.

However, having said that, I am always blown away by the beauty of a plant that flowers in my presence. My husband always teases me that I have a greenery curse, as most of the flowering plants I own, flower very seldom. For example, I have a phalaenopsis orchid that arrived with flowers some 4 years ago and it has never flowered again. It regularly puts out new leaves and roots but it has NEVER flowered again.

With that being said I do at least have a few flowering plants in my presence, one of which is another orchid I own, and I have never been as excited as I was when this orchid put out a flower stalk, in-fact I took multiple pictures of it, to preserve the feeling.
Flower Stalk With Buds
A flower!
 I have a theory about these orchids, and that is that they will only re-flower if they have been grown in the same area that you are keeping them. My non-flowering orchid was bought in Pretoria and kept in Johannesburg, where as the beauty above was bought in Johannesburg and kept in Johannesburg. Not too sure if this theory holds any ground or not?

Now for some other beauties that I have managed to get to flower under my care... I hope you enjoy them!

Gorgeous Marigold- A Childhood favorite

Creeping Verbena

Gerbera Daisy that flowers REGULARLY!

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