
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Little Lemon Trees

It was 2015, I was in the process of finishing up a really tough degree. I had been browsing Pinterest as all good students do and I came across a picture of lemon seeds sprouting in a mug and it intrigued me.

I set out to find how I could get some lemon seeds to grow and I found some very helpful tips.

Firstly, peel your lemon seeds... Take the seed out of the lemon, and peel off the layer that coats the seed, it tends to come off really easily, just try not to damage the seed in the process.

Secondly, place the peeled seeds into some damp paper towel and place that into a plastic container that you can seal. Within a few days your lemon seeds will start to sprout their rootlets.

At this point I got super excited, as I had managed to get a seed to sprout in what I thought was a less than perfect environment. I was living in a small flat, that got no sun inside at all, the place was always freezing, but these little lemon seeds were growing!

Once the roots were looking sturdy enough, I then placed them into some soil. I only covered the root and half of the seed, as I am super curious and wanted to see EXACTLY when the leaves started to appear. This took a couple of days but there they were.. 2 little starter leaves!

A week or so later, the true leaves started to form and soon after, this is the picture I took:

Month Old Lemon Trees

I have looked after these 2 little trees for the past 3 years, they will turn 4 years old this coming September. I have re-potted, re-soiled and even trimmed these 2 a number of times and this is how the one looks right now:

3 Year Old Lemon Tree

The have yet to flower and produce fruit, but they have at least put out thorns, so I am hoping next season will be flower season... I think their growth was quite stunted, as for 2 years of their life they were in an area where they did not get enough sunlight. Now they are thriving in our new home, loving all the sunlight they can soak up and they keep putting out more growth.

I will be sure to keep you updated when these 2 start to flower!

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