
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Little Flower Spike

I wrote a few weeks back about my one orchid that has not flowered in 4 years, and almost as if the orchid took offence to the post I put up about it, it started to send out a flower spike...

Its finally starting to look like a classic flower spike with the mitten shape as you can see below...

Flower Spike on the Right

So what did I do differently? I moved the orchid from the bathroom where it gets nice and humid, to the kitchen window, where it gets a bit more chilly. A friend of mine advised that a change in temperature or environment could cause it to flower. I did notice before this flower spike came out, that the orchid seemed to be growing new roots every week, so perhaps that is something I should watch for on this particular orchid...

Will post an update once the blooms have started to open. If memory serves me correctly, this orchid should be a beautiful purple/pink colour...

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Little Flower Spike

I wrote a few weeks back about my one orchid that has not flowered in 4 years, and almost as if the orchid took offence to the post I put up...